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Christian Distinctiveness
Worship in Church and in School
The school works closely with St Mary's Priory Church in Tutbury and the Diocese of Lichfield to provide pupils and parents with the opportunity to develop and promote faith values. We have at least two services in St Mary’s Church, Tutbury every term when pupils participate in different ways. Pupils also take part in the Remembrance Sunday Service and the School Choir sings in the Mothering Sunday Service.
St Mary's Priory Church is grouped with Rolleston and Anslow Churches, known as the ART group. The Reverend Phyllis is our rector who leads Collective Worship in school fortnightly and welcome us to the services in church for communion, Harvest, Christmas and Easter celebrations.
Collective worship takes place daily and includes reference to Bible readings as well as moral and spiritual learning. We also have time for meditation to reflect on our values. On Fridays, we celebrate pupil achievement with Principal awards.
Jackie Benstead leads a Christian Club every week, which has been running for many years and is well received. Approximately 20-25 children attend on Monday lunchtimes. The session involves basic craft activities, games and a bible based story related to our Christian values.
Our Christian Ethos
We are very proud of our SIAMS report which states, “The school is developing good provision to promote the concept and importance of faith, particularly linking this to Christian values. Already, this distinctiveness contributes strongly to personal development. Current strategies to strengthen the distinctiveness and to improve the climate for learning are on track to raise academic achievement.”
Other links with St Mary’s Church
Jackie Benstead, Margaret Pyle and Janice Atterbury lead a Christian Club every week, which has been running for many years and is well received. So far this year approximately 20-25 children have been attending on Monday lunchtimes. The session involves basic craft activities, games and a bible based story related to the assembly theme for the week. A small healthy snack, grapes, carrot sticks and raisins are given to the children before they return to class.
As part of their Humanities curriculum, pupils visit the church to learn about the building, its history and its significance in the life of Tutbury over nearly a thousand years.
On the Governing Body there are three Foundation Governors appointed by the Church.
As well as engaging with all aspects of the Governors’ work, they also have particular responsibility for encouraging the Christian identity of the school, and an understanding of the life and work of the church within the community.