Back to Subjects'Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.'- Marie Curie.
Science Curriculum Design Statement
Curriculum Intent
At Richard Wakefield, we aim to develop all learners’ scientific knowledge, and their enthusiasm and ability to engage in practical enquiry and critical thinking. We aim to inspire awe and wonder, curiosity and a responsibility for the world around us. Good quality science provision is dependent upon carefully sequenced learning of key concepts to develop strong and accurate science schema. Our intention is to deliver teaching that supports the developing schema, thereby creating lasting changes in learners’ long-term memory, which will serve as secure foundations to build upon throughout their education and beyond. This links to RWPAs mission to inspire children to embark on a lifelong journey of learning.
At Richard Wakefield, we intend that children have frequent opportunities for investigation with planned, purposeful and varied practical experiences. We believe all children should have the opportunity to develop curiosity about the world around them by asking and answering questions through scientific enquiry. These investigations also support collaborative working, reciprocity, reflectiveness and resilience which are learning behaviours we encourage.
Curriculum Implementation
The core of our curriculum is the National Curriculum and EYFS Framework. In KS1 and KS2, science is taught weekly as a discrete subject in mixed ability classes. Science is taught by the class teacher(s) who makes informed decisions as to the support and in-class groupings that are appropriate to ensure progress of all children in their class.
In EYFS, frequent opportunities are planned for children to learn about 'The World' using the Characteristics of Effective Learning pedagogy. At Richard Wakefield, we follow a long-term plan which has been carefully sequenced considering linked cross-curricular topics, spacing of science topics providing variety of physics, chemistry and biology sub-strands, and to maximise use of the outdoor and natural environment. We have chosen this approach so that our bespoke planning can take full advantage of our unique environment. Medium-term planning ensures we make provision for working scientifically and supporting and challenging all learners, including the most able. Key concepts and vocabulary are also identified for each unit of learning. Teachers then gather or produce lesson resources best matched to inspire the children they are teaching.
Target Tracker is used by teachers, the subject leader and senior leaders to track progress and attainment. Teachers use formative assessment to inform their judgements. Termly subject monitoring by the subject lead ensures and confirms that science is taught weekly and is carefully planned to enable progression. Suitable strategies and training are planned and delivered to develop science teaching and learning across the school.
Curriculum Impact
Throughout their time at Richard Wakefield, children acquire and develop the key knowledge that has been identified within each unit and across each year group, as well as the application of scientific skills. They develop an enthusiasm for enquiry, as well as curiosity and responsibility about the world around them. Attainment by the end of KS2 is at or above the national average.
What does science look like at Richard Wakefield?
We believe that it is important to develop children's scientific thinking. Children need to explore and investigate their world through scientific enquiry and practical skills.
Sensational Science Day!
We aim to raise the profile of science through a Science Day to coincide with British Science Week. Each class presents an interactive display for one another so that the whole school explores a wide range of activities. As well as providing a collaborative whole-school community experience, Science Day is popular with the children and expandes upon their love for science and their science skills.
The de Ferrers MAT Primary Progression grid (see below) forms the basis for our progression planning and assessment.