Back to Subjects'Every child is an artist' - Pablo Picasso
Art Curriculum Design Statement
Curriculum Intent
At Richard Wakefield, we aim to provide children with the freedom to express themselves creatively in a manner which not only provides them with key skills but also great enjoyment. Alongside inspiring the children in their own artistic journey, our hope is for children to systematically develop their skills as they progress, gain an appreciation of great artists and become analytical. Across the school, we aim to give an enriching experience; the skills they learn in KS1 are then further reinforced throughout KS2 using a variety of media that allows for all children to explore the world of creativity and become excited about what they produce, which is apparent from the earliest age. We wish for every child to feel comfortable in expressing themselves artistically and to be open to the idea that all art is individual and valued as we recognise its importance in emotional development and mental wellbeing.
Curriculum Implementation
The National Curriculum provides us with the skeleton with which we then create our own schemes of work. Within our trust, we have created our own skills progression map which is consistent across the De Ferrers Trust and helps us to ensure consistency across the years as well as schools. This enables teachers to keep track of which skills have previously been covered but also helps them to plan for future work which is usually cross curricular, linking to our current topics in that year. By using these skills grids effectively and also including ideas in knowledge organisers, it allows for a wider coverage of skills for the year as well as repetition and development of core skills. For example, in KS1 they mix paints to explore changing colour while in UKS2 they should be able to mix colours to show the effect of light and shadow by the end of the year.
The progression of skills can be seen through the children’s art books as most activities are included in their books (photos, sketches, evaluations or copies of art). Book trawls are carried out in the spring term and staff are asked to highlight and annotate the skills grids at intervals throughout the year. Children are also encouraged to take part in external events such as photography and art competitions as well as being included in events with outside agencies such as Lichfield cathedral and the Brewhouse.
Curriculum Impact
As a result of our art curriculum, children should be able to show development in the expected skills for their age cohort and be able to explain what being an artist means to them. They will be able to retain key information about the artists they have studied as well as having the skills necessary to creatively express themselves and appreciate the aesthetics of the world around them. Underpinning it all should be a love of their artistic journey itself.
What does Art look like at Richard Wakefield?
Please find our Art progression map here, highlighting the skills taught in each year group.Please find our Art termly plan here, highlighting the artists explored each term.
Useful Websites
The Artful parent website Gives you 500 art activities to try with your children
Tate Kids website Lots of information and activities from the Tate, London